Friday, 6 March 2015

10 Funny T-Shirts Quotes

Source (Picture by Peter Griffin)
Here are 10 funny quotes written on T-shirts you will love to read.
Read them and Enjoy....!

1. "I was born intelligent, but education ruined me!"
     Bla Bla Bla...

2. "I don't need Google, my wife knows everything!"
     Wives are always Genius...

3. "I can give a headache to an Aspirin!"
     Oh! I doubt...

4. "99% of all women are beautiful, the remaining 1% are in my college!"
    Hey! I found my Classmate...

5. "It's okay if you disagree with me.....I can't force you to be right...!"

6. "Do you believe in love at first sight....or do I have to walk by again!"

7. "Don't break someone's heart, they have only one........
   .....break their bones, they have 206 of them..!!"
   Is it necessary for girls to break something....?

8. "My girlfriend says I need to be more now I've got 2 Girlfriends!!"
    Result of positive thinking...!

9. "Always give your 100%..........unless you are donating blood!"

10. And this one is awesome...
     "I am still a virgin......
     ....But this is an old Shirt...!"

Do you have some more funny T-shirt quotes?
Write them down in Comments...

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