India, a land of J C Bose, H J Bhabha, C V Raman, S Ramanujam, Rabindra Nath Tagore, R K Narayan, and many more great personalities in the field of Science, Mathematics, Literature; but it's shameful to know that India has the largest number of illiterate people in the world. According to UNESCO's Education For All (EFA) Global Monitoring Report 2013-14, India has the highest population of illiterates, i.e. 287 million or 37% of the total population of such people across the world. Just imagine more than one-third of the population of illiterate people in the world are Indians. What a worthy achievement in our 67 years of Independence! In the words of Gandhiji, illiteracy is India's shame and sin. The report said that insufficient financing is one of the main obstacles in achieving education for all. Aid to education fell by $1 billion in 2010 and 2011 in developing countries; said EFA 2013-14. These facts cannot be denied and hid under the curtains. Today illiteracy has become a major challenge facing our nation. We have also voted illiteracy as the biggest concern for India, with 18.78% votes in
#India4India survey.